Namo Ratna Tra ya ya Namah Arya Gyana Sagara
Vairocana Byuha Raja ya Tathagataya
Arhate Sam yak Sam buddhaya
Namah Sarva Tathagate Bhayh (Bhe)
Bhayh (Bhe) Samyak Sam buddha Bhayh (Bhe)
Namah Arya Avalokite /shvaraya
Bodhisattvaya Mahasattvaya
Maha karuni ka ya Tad /ya /tha Om Dhara Dhara Dhiri
Dhuru Dhuru Itte ve ite Chale Chale Prachale Prachale
Kusume Kusuma
Vare Ile Mele Cete Jvalam-Apanaya Svahah
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Ani Choying Drolma - Seven Line Guru Rinpoche Prayer
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Read about The Vajra Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Rimpoche
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