They tell of the band of nine honey hunters, led by the 63-year-old Mani Lal whose responsibility is unique: he alone descends a bamboo ladder hundreds of feet down sheer rock faces to find the hives of giant black bees nestled on the cliff walls.
Once he discovers a nestwhich may be as large as four by six feet, he drives the bees out with smoke, and then, still suspended by the ladder over the cliff face, dislodges the hive with bamboo poles. The hive is then lowered via pulleys to the other hunters waiting below, and Mani Lal climbs on to locate another nest. recommend visit inside to see DVD and Cd about Buddhism CATALOG
This documentary DVD Include every aspect of the honey hunt; also included are portraits of the Gurung and, somewhat incongruously, pictures of hunters trapping more conventional prey antelope, deer and wolves. The Documentary, though often beautiful, are more fascinating as anthropology than as individual works of art.
Until the publication of this film, the universe of the honey hunters was totally unknown to rest of the world. now for the first time their lives are captured in film unprecedented monentes and breath taking scenes of there life.
Now this DVD is available in our all Arts Gallery branches Silom Complex 3rd fl , Central world Plaza 6th fl.
All recommended DVD and Cd are link to AMAZON.COM
Price DVD = 350 BHAT , CD = 250 Only. FOR MORE DVD VISIT ARTS GALLERY (get special Discounts when you buy more then 5 CD and Dvd)
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