After reading previous post
Vajrabhairava, many friends ask about, Who is Dakini? So i thought i must have to post some information about who is Dakini. Dakini is the fully enlightened female, wild, fiery, and energetic aspect of a Buddha. The wisdom aspect leading to Buddhahood a principal dakini (Tib: mKha' gro; "sky-goer") the compassionate guiding and inspirational aspect leading the practitioner to enlightenment. There are many dakinis, Vajrayogini (
Thanka painting on right) or Vajravarahi (
Thanka painting on left) is most important and first rank among the dakinis.
(Painting on right is Painted by Andy Weber, painting on Left Painted by Master Artist Mukti Singh Thapa . visit websites to see All Artwork) .
In Anuttara Yoga Tantra the principal dakini (often called "Vajra" or "Wisdom-dakini") is mostly shown in union with a male consort, like in the deities Guhyasamaja, Hevajra, Kalachakra, etc.
Vajrayogini/Vajravarahi is the principal female buddha in the Chakrasamvara Tantra and is in union with Heruka Chakrasamvara. Since the Vajradakinis are considered buddhas and yidams (Sanskrit :Istadeva) in their own right over time several spin-off practices have evolved from those practices simplifying the otherwise complicated main practice and reducing it to a single-deity meditation without dropping the principal aspects/benefits of the main practice (e.g. Vajrayogini/Vajravarahi out of Chakrasamvara and Nairatmya out of Hevajra).
General Characteristics
Vajrayogini/Vajravarahi ranks first and most important among the dakinis. She is the "Sarva-buddha-dakini" the Dakini Who is the Essence of all Buddhas. Although there are a number of visual representations of Vajrayogini, certain attributes are common to all: She is mostly shown as young, naked, and standing in a desirous or dancing posture. She holds a blood-filled skull cup in one hand and a curved knife (kartr or dri-gug) in the other. Often she wears a garland of human skulls or severed heads; has a khatvanga staff leaning against her shoulder; her usually wild hair flowing down her neck and back; her face in a semi-wrathful expression. Her radiant red body is ablaze with the heat of yogic fire and surrounded by the flames of wisdom.
Various Forms & Lineages
Vajrayogini/Vajravarahi seem to be present in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, for example the Padmadakini/Yeshe Tsogyal in the Nyingma or the Khundrol-ma in the Bon tradition. Kagyu, Sakya, and Gelug traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. These forms of Vajrayogini share the triple-OM mantra (with minor variations), are usually named Vajra-yogini or Vajra-varahi, and can be traced back to one of the Indian mahasiddhas who lived in the 10th and 11th century, or to one of the Tibetan translators of the Sarma School like Marpa....
Visit to read full information . If you are Practitioner of Vajrayogini or Vajravarahi. You can find all information in this website. also you can download Mantra, Paintings and books about Dakinis from download Page.
Paintings on this post Is painted by famous Artist Andy Weber .
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You forgot very romantic side of the image of Dakini. I like it very much that is why I write it.
In Tibetan buddhismus Dakinis have the name Sky Dancers. With all related explanations. I had posts about it, but don't remember where they are...
The pose is not simply dancing pose. It shows how are the Teachings bounded to the Dakini, too. The foot near the Secret Chakra meens, for example, the Teaching is secret for most persons.
Thank you for reminding me About Sky Dancers.
Actually you have give very important things that i have left on this post.
Thanks Liudmila
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