White Tara is an emanation of Tara who is connected with longevity. One calls on her for health, strength, and longevity. Her white colour indicates purity, but also indicates that she is Truth complete and undifferentiated. She wears the Bodhisattva ornaments.
She has seven eyes: the two usual eyes, plus an eye in the centre of her forehead and eyes in her hands and feet. These indicate that she sees all suffering and all cries for help, even in the human world, even in the worlds of pain, using both ordinary and psychic or extraordinary means of perception.White Tara is believed to protect human beings while they are crossing the ocean of existence. She carries day lotuses.

White Tara is also known as
Samaya Tara, meaning Vow Tara. This refers to Tara's vow
to save all beings and also to our vow, which is a Bodhisattva vow like Tara's.
Whereas the Green Tara is a young girl and has a mischievous or playful nature, the White Tara is represented as a mature woman, full-breasted and wise. Some practitioners comment that the energy of the two Taras feels a little different.
Green tara is very immediate and quick. One calls to her for immediate assistance, and also often for help with worldly things like lover, wealth and so on, as well as spiritual things. She feels very close. White Tara seems to help more with longer-term problems, particularly problems of physical or mental health. It sometimes seems as if she is more distant, harder to contact at first. Then it is as if she sends us healing energies and mystical power and understandings. Often one sees, in pictures of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Tib: Chenrezigs), the two Taras in front of him - the White Tara to his right, and the Green to his left.
Similarly, Padmasambhava (Tib: Guru Rinpoche) is depicted with two of his consorts. The Indian princess Mandarava, with whom he accomplished[ the Rainbow Body practice, is identified with White Tara. The Tibetan princess Yeshes Tsogyal, his consort and a source of many important lineage teachings (for example the Kandro Nyin-thig), is identified with the Green Tara. White Tara is Buddha family (some also consider her to be partly in Lotus family), whereas Green Tara is in the Action family and is the consort of Amoga siddhi, the Buddha of that family. The practices of both are very important: White Tara is especially important in the Sakya teachings.
White Tara has her own mantra. It is:
(Ohm Tahray Totahray tooray mahmah ahyoopoonyay jahnah pooteen kooroo swah hah).
Green Tara Mantra

Some Info on different Tara
• Green Tara, known as the Buddha of enlightened activity
• White Tara, also known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra
• Red Tara, of fierce aspect associated with magnetizing all good things
• Black Tara, associated with power
• Yellow Tara, associated with wealth and prosperity
• Blue Tara, associated with transmutation of anger
• Cittamani Tara, a form of Tara widely practiced at the level of Highest Yoga Tantra in the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism, portrayed as green and often conflated with Green Tara
• Khadiravani Tara (Tara of the teak forest), who appeared to Nagarjuna in the Khadiravani forest of South India and who is sometimes referred to as the "22nd Tara."
Thanka Painting on this post is Painted by Mr. Prem Kumar Lama. If you like to see other thanka paintings, painted by Mr. Lama contact Arts Gallery Silom Complex 3rd fl. Room #320.
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Sitting White Tara , White Tara พระโพธิสัตว์ดาราขาว
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