We already read about the Prayer wheel in this blog. In this post i would like to share some new design Prayer wheels. Which is just arrived from Nepal. Prayer wheels with stand are perfectly fit for your Alter or at your Office table, which you can spin during your working hour to relief your stress. Some prayer wheels are fit for hanging on your wall.
What is Prayer Wheel:
We have already talking about Prayer Wheel Tibetan prayer wheels (Tib: Mani wheels ) are Prayer devices for spreading spiritual blessings and well being. Rolls of thin paper, imprinted or written with many mantra (prayer) "Om Mani Padme Hum" (Tibetan Buddhists believe that saying "Om mani padame hum" mantra, out loud or silently to oneself, invokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of Chenrezig Avalokiteshwor, the embodiment of compassion.), written in an ancient Newari (Ranjana) script or in Tibetan script, are spin around an axle in a protective container, and spin around and around. In the case of a small hand-held wheel like this one the scroll can be a 20 or more yards (meters) in length. Typically, larger decorative versions of the syllables of the mantra are also carved on the outside cover of the wheel.

Tibetan Buddhists believe that saying "Om mani padame hum" mantra, out loud or silently to oneself, invokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of
Chenrezig Avalokiteshwor, the embodiment of compassion. (Click Link to Read more and click back Button to come back to this page again)

Viewing a written copy of the mantra is said to have the same effect as chanting Mantra and the mantra is carved into stones left in piles near paths where travelers will see them. Spinning the written form of the mantra around in a Mani wheel is also supposed to have the same effect; the more copies of the mantra, the more benefit.
Prayer Wheel That we Have:
We have different type of Prayer wheels. Hand held wheels, the most common type, are made to be spin with one hand. They are generally made of a round body of metal (sometimes of wood), penetrated along its axis by a metal axle mounted in wooden or metal handle. The cylinder, along with the mantra "Om mani padame hum" roll it contains, can be kept turning with a slight rotation of the wrist, With the help of a weighted cord or chain. Table- top Prayer wheel and Wall hanging prayer wheel.
This particular image on left shows the wheel leaning on a wooden rest, and shows the mantra roll removed from the protective case. In the case of a small hand-held wheel like this one the scroll can be a 20 or more yards (meters) in length.
Some of Prayer wheel for table-top prayer wheels like the shown: which you can spin during your working our to relief your stress.
VISIT Tibetan Prayer Wheel for reading more.
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