32 Forms of Ganesh in Agamic Scriptures. Also visit this post about 32 Forms Of Ganesh Book , where you can see 32 forms of Ganesha's picture short description.
1: Bal Ganapati - Red colored image of a four armed Ganesha.
2: Taruna Vinayaka: Red colored image of an eight armed Ganesha.
3: Bhakti Vinayaka: Grey colored image of four armed Ganesha.
4: Veera Vinayaka: Red colored image of 16 armed Ganapati.
5: Shakti Ganapati: Red colored image of 4 armed Ganapati, seated with his consort to his left.
6: Dwija Vinayaka: White colored image of four faced Ganesha with 4 arms.
7: Siddhi Vinayaka: Golden colored image of four armed Ganapati.
8: Ucchishta Ganapati: Blue colored image of six armed Ganapati with his consort.
9: Vigna Vinayaka: Gold colored image of eight armed Ganapati.
10: Kshipra Ganapati: Red colored image of four armed Ganesha bearing a ratna kumbham.
11: Heramba Vinayaka: Black colored image of ten armed Ganesha with five faces, seated on a lion.
12: Lakshmi Vinayaka: White colored image of eight armed Ganesha with two consorts.
13: Makara Vinayaka: Red colored image of Ganesha with a third eye, 10 arms, bearing a ratna kumbham, with his consort.
14: Vijaya Vinayaka: Red colored image of 4 armed Ganesha on the mooshika mount.
15: Nritya Vinayaka: Gold colored image of Ganesha in a dance posture.
16: Urdhva Vinayaka: Gold colored image of six armed Ganesha with his consort.
17: Ekakshara Vinayaka: Red colored image of Ganesha with a third eye, seated on a lotus.
18: Vara Vinayaka: Red colored image of 4 armed Vinayaka with a third eye.
19: Dhryakshara Vinayaka: Gold colored image of four armed Vinayakar, decorated with Chaamara ear rings.
20: Kshipraprasaada Vinayaka: Red colored image of six armed Ganapati.
21: Haridra Vinayaka: Yellow colored image of four armed Ganapati.
22: Ekadhanta Vinayaka: Blue colored image of four armed Ganapati.
23: Srishti Vinayaka: Red colored image of four armed Ganapati seated on his mooshika mount.
24: Utthanda Vinayaka: Red colored image of 10 armed Ganesha with his consort to his left.
25: Rin-mochana Vinayaka: Crystal image of four armed Vinayakar.
26: Dundi Vinayaka: Four armed image of Ganesha bearing a tusk, a garland, an axe and a gem studded vessel.
27: Dwimukha (Two Faces) Vinayaka: Red colored image of Ganesha with two faces and four arms.
28: Trimukha (Three Faces) Vinayaka: Red colored image of Ganesha with three faces and six arms seated on a golden lotus.
29: Simha Vinayaka: White colored image of Ganesha with eight arms (with an arm bearing a lions face).
30: Yoga Vinayaka: Red colored image of Ganesha in the posture of a yogi.
31: Durga Vinayaka: Red colored image of Ganesha with eight arms.
32: Sankatahara Vinayaka: Red colored image of four armed Ganesha clothed in blue, seated on a lotus peetham with his consort to his left.
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