So lets back to Ani Tsering Wangmo, she was born in Lhasa,Tibet and became a nun at the age of twelve. She joined the Yuloko Jetsun Ling Nunnery in Yanglashöe after fleeing Tibet in 1991 and arriving in Nepal.
Upon completing the traditional three-year retreat in 1996, she began and continues to work on the Ewam Pecha (religious text) project, collecting and digitizing the pechas for Gochen Tulku Rinpoche of Ewam.
Currently, she resides at Ewam Sang-ngag Ling in Montana where she has learned English. She continues to support Rinpoche's many worldwide projects. her albums see inside..
Ani produced her first album "Turquoise Leaf" in 2000, which was recorded in the US. It was in the traditional Tibetan chant genre, and based on the Buddhist chants from nunnery. The album was well received in the US. In 2004, she recorded the "Laughter of the Dakinis", based on Longchen Nyingthig Chöe practice.

medical clinic in Tibet, The proceeds from the Immeasurable Joy, the Gyaling, and the Immeasurable Equanimity CDs are all for the benefit of a medical clinic in Tibet.
This clinic is for Tibetans who have very little money but need medical care.
The Yulokö Jetsun Ling Nunnery in Nepal, The proceeds from the CD, Compassion will go toward the Yuloko Jetsün Ling nunnery, in Nepal. This nunnery is under Gochen Tulku Rinpoche’s care. For half of each year the nuns are in solitary retreat in their rooms. For the other half of the year they study Dharma under the guidance of Rinpoche’s brother, Namchak Khenpo.
The Ewam Magadha Garden of 1000 Buddhas, The proceeds from the CD, Immeasurable Loving Kindness, will go toward the Maghada Garden. Gochen Tulku Rinpoche chose the name, "Maghada" because it is the district in India in which the holy land of Bodhgaya is located. He intends that the Magadha garden in America eventually be like a Western Bodhgaya.
At the center of the garden is a large statue of Yum Chenmo (the Great Mother) also known as Prajñaparamita. She will be surrounded by the thousand buddhas of this age. A thousand trees will be planted there, and a thousand stupas as well. They will all be arranged in the shape of a giant Dharma wheel, with many flowers, walkways, and an arched bridge. All of this is surrounded by large mountains in every direction, and the vast Montana sky, currently being built in Arlee, Montana. Her Six Albums are:
Immeasurable Joy
Immeasurable Loving Kindness
Immeasurable Compassion
Immeasurable Equanimity ( a traditional Dudjom Rinpoche's Thröma Nagmo)
Hi This is Mr Giri from Penang Malaysia. I am interested in the very nice posters of ganesh.Could you please help me as i would like to have them in my collections.I prefer in size 2 X 3 Thanks.
Thank you Mr. Giri For your Comments.
About The Ganesha Paintings You can look on Some of my Post that releated to Ganesha.
Also I have many Ganesha Statues.
If you like some Let me know.
Best Reagrads
Hi this is Mr.Giri Thanks for your information.If possible I would like to have the posters of Ganesh same as that you had posted Please let me know whether you have them I would like in size 24" X 36" As regards to Ganesh Statues you can email me the details to me at kanganam@hotmail.com
Hello Mr. Giri,
Thank you for your intrested in Ganesha Thanka Painting, This is Hand painted by Newari artist in Kathmandu.
I am very sorry but this painting is Sold. I will let you know If i have Similar painting again.
Do you mean poster? I think Poster mean is printed, Not painted. So if you mean poster, i can provide you high quality Ganesha picture for print.
Please contact me on 2005bharat@gmail.com
Best regards
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