Amoghasiddhi represents cosmic element of samskar ( Conformation) or the practical realization of the wisdoms of the other Dhyani Buddhas. He is described as the Dhyani Buddha of the realization of the Bodhisattva Path. A Bodhisattva is one who has forgone the bliss of nirvana with a vow to first liberate all beings.
Amoghasiddhi is the Dhyani Buddha of the north. His color is green, signifying the sun at midnight. He rules over the element of air and embodies the skandha of volition, also called the skandha of mental phenomena or tendencies of mind. His symbol is the vishwavajra, or double dorje or thunderbolt (See pictire in right) . It is made of two crossed vajras and symbolizes the highest comprehension of truth and the spiritual power of a Buddha.
Amoghasiddhi's vehicle is Garuda, or throne is supported by garudas. A Garuda is a mythical figure, halfman and halfbird. In relation to Amoghasiddhi, Lama Govinda says the garuda symbolizes "man in transition towards a new dimension of consciousness,... the transition from the human to the superhuman state, which takes place in the mysterious darkness of the night, invisible to the eye. Amoghasiddhi also embodiment of rainy season. Sometimes a serpent with 7 heads forms the background as an umbrella. Infront of his Shrines, therefore, is a small squre pit or hole, which is meant for the snake.

Amoghasiddhi's bija is Ah and his mantra is "Om Amoghasiddhi Ah".
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