Akshobhya is also one of the five Tathagatas or Dhyani Buddha, symbolizing Mirror like Wisdom (skt.adarsa jnana) which means the wisdom like space, all pervasive, without periphery and without character-istics. The name Akshobhya means "Immovable" or "Unshakable." Akshobhya's Mirrorlike Wisdom reflects all things calmly and uncritically and--reveals their true nature. He is the essence of purified form of Hatred. As in a mirror every visible object reflects so the knowledge of dharma-kaya reflects in our mind. Mirror like Wisdom antidotes the poison of hatred and anger.

In the Stupa or Mandala of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, Akshobhya is usually positioned in the east (which is at the bottom) but he is sometimes placed in the center. His color is blue. He rules over the element of water and personifies the skandha of form. In some system, he is associated with the skandha of consciousness. Akshobhya's lotus throne is supported by the elephant, symbol of steadfastness and strength.

His symbol is the vajra, also called the thunderbolt or diamond scepter. It is depicted in this mandala above his head, directly below Vairochana. The vajra denotes enlightenment, the indestructible, adamantine nature of pure consciousness, or the essence of Reality. In some traditions the vajra signifies the union of male principle and the Buddha; one end of the vajra symbolizes the macrocosmic realm of the Buddha and the other end the microcosmic realm of male principle.
Akshobhya exhibits bhumisparsha mudra, the earth-touching gesture. Shown here formed by his right hand rest on the right knee with the tip of the middle fingers touching the ground with palm drawn inwardly. It denotes unshakability. This is also the gesture of Gautam Buddha used to calling the earth for the witness to his right to attain enlightenment when he was challenged by the Evil One, Mara.
Abhirati is the Akshobhya's paradise, the Land of Exceeding Great Delight. Buddhists believe that whoever is reborn there cannot fall back to a lower level of consciousness. Akshobhya's bija is Hum and his mantra is
Om Akshobhya hum.
Also Visit
The Five Dhyani Buddha ,
Dhyani Buddha Vairochana
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