It's Quite Huge Book about 2 feet tall . I Bought it on the web Amazone.com
Book Description
In the tradition of Celestial Gallery, this unique collection of striking Tibetan-style Mandala paintings(Thangka) of the Goddesses of the Celestial Gallery are presented together for the first time, in this distinctive format.
In the tradition of Celestial Gallery, this unique collection of striking Tibetan-style Mandala paintings(Thangka) of the Goddesses of the Celestial Gallery are presented together for the first time, in this distinctive format.
Also see Celestial Gallery In bookself Size .
Goddesses depicted include: “the goddesses of the arts” Saraswati; “the Divine Mother” White Tara a protector and preserver; “the Protectress"Green Tara : “the Dark Goddesses” Palden Lhamo, guardian of the lineage of the Dalai Lamas; and Kali, a wild and uncontrollable consort of Shiva, a devotee of time and keeper of the shadows within ourselves.
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