We Have Known about Thangka In privious Post
Sacred Buddhist Painting "Thangka" . Thangka is a type of painting executed on cotton canvas and often framed with silk. They depict images of different gods, goddesses, and significant philosophy related to Buddhism. Regarded as the essence of reverence, these paintings are a medium through which the highest ideals of Buddhism are evoked. However, many Buddhist monasteries still use the paintings as a means of financial and spiritual support. They use natural stone color and gold for painting a thangka.
There are Two style of Thagka Paintings
TIBETAN STYLE THANKA In Tibetan terms painting means Thankas which can be scroll and rolled up, painted, embroidered and can be made of patchwork. Common form taken by Thanka is a vertical rectangular shaped. First framed by textile borders usually (red and yellow) in color and often subsequently mounted on Chinese and Nepalese brocade. Tibetan thankas have very define symphony accomplish into degree of expediency in brilliant lustrous and natural pigment. The origination of Tibetan thanka could be tracked back to 18th century. The Tibetan thankas can be subjected either to the types or icons, Mandala, Buddha and Bodhisattvas, Guardians and Yidams and Bardo Thanka. Each thanka is considered as a support for meditation, bringing significance not only to pattern and artist, but to all human beings. These arts often be spoken for more specific reasons not frequently as a visual supplication to a deity.
Newer people has historically made up in majority of the population of Nepal's kathmandu valley. Newari arts had a great influence on the development of Tibetan paintings. The arts flourished later in the 15th and 16th century. Tibetan reliance in newar style in painting was finally replaced by distinctly Tibetan style. The existence in constant assimilation, adoption of new ideas in a vibrant cultural resulted into two developments in Tibetan paintings in 15th century based on Indo-Newar and primarily Chinese elements. Newari art has the huge influence, evident in style over Tibetan painting.
Three Main Types of Thankas:
Buddha Life Story The Life of Buddha. It shows the steps in Buddha's life from birth to death. It depicts his life from his conception, his childhood as a young prince of Kapilvastu In Nepal, his ensuing dissatisfaction with that life which came with his understanding of man's inherent suffering, his time spent as a wandering ascetic, his ultimate achievement of enlightenment beneath a Bodhi Tree , and his attempts to educate his fellow human beings.
Wheel Of Life
Wheel of Life is a detailed representation of the basic Buddhist belief in transmigratory existence, or the theory of rebirth. The wheel is held in the embrace of Shenje, ruler of the Dead,
showing that all beings must eventually meet Death. He is said to symbolize people's fearfulness of death and the hideousness of clinging to life. Outside of the wheel is a figure of Buddha, who is free from all moral and mental obstructions which can prevent all living beings from attaining enlightenment. His presence outside the wheel implies his escape from the cycle of life. The wheel is divided into three parts: axle, spokes, and rim. The axle asserts the first Noble Truth of Buddhism which holds that suffering exists; the purpose of Mahayana Buddhist teachings is to relieve all beings from suffering. The outer axle, or rim, shows the manifestation of a white heaven and a black hell. The spokes of the wheel divide the universe into six sensual realms, gods, demi gods, humans, hungry ghost, animals, and hell.
Mandala (Literally meaning a circle) is a meditation device, often used in meditation. It can be used as a visual aid for concentration and introvertive meditation leading to the attainment of insight and to the activation of forces culminating in "Siddi.". The Mandala is the graphic representation of this process. It is an instrument for practical realization of the process within oneself. There are many types and varieties of mandalas depending on the nature of the central deity.
Some Gold Thanka

Some Best Quality Thanka

we want to know more about Newari Bhuddism since it is the most indigenious form of bhuddhism,there should be made more popular
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